Easy 1602 and 2004 LCD interfacing for the Rasperry Pi

November 11th, 2014

For “normal” computer use, you can’t beat large LCD monitors – and the Raspberry Pi comes with both an HDMI interface, and an LCD display connector, for which the Raspberry Pi foundation will be releasing LCD displays.

But what if you don’t need a large, colourful LCD display?

1602 LCD on Raspberry Pi @ https://Mikronauts.com

(click on the image for larger version)

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Article Index:

  1. Introduction, Equipment Used, Connecting an LCD Module to the Raspberry Pi
  2. 1602 Character LCD Module, 2004 Character LCD Module, MikEzLCD.py library
  3. Using both 1602 and 2004 LCD Modules with the Raspberry Pi at the same time, Conclusion

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