Hantek 1008B Oscilloscope

Time for the single channel 10us/div 50kHz signal view:

(click on the image for a larger view)

Looks good to me!

For the last test, 1us/div 50kHz square wave signal view:

(click on the image for a larger view)

It may be worth while to later compare triangle, sawtooth, sine wave and other signals at different frequencies and number of channels at a later date – I guess I should set up my DDS.


I like it.

(In case you were wondering, my 1008 was NOT a freebie, I paid for it myself, from an Ebay seller some time ago)

Is it as good as my 100MHz bandwidth / 1Gsps scope? HECK NO!

Is it good enough for electronics classes in high schools? YES (IMHO)

For <$100 you can get it for from Ebay (including shipping), the Hantek 1008 is a bargain.

It has six more channels then my 100MHz scope – ok, with much lower bandwidth, but extremely useful for watching power supplies, servos, small electric motors, and assorted analog inputs or sensors.

It can take snapshots, it can log data – and it has found a permanent place in my lab.

Heck, I think I’ll order a second one…

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