HexPi / TBMST Update

June 3rd, 2014

I got quite a bit of testing done today!

The small test board I built to drop the RC pack voltage and filter it works nicely, and I used TBMST to test HexPi’s legs.

The good news: All the legs wiggled!

The bad news: About 1/3rd of the MG-995’s are pretty pathetic at holding their set points at 5V with 3000uF of electrolytic capacitors filtering a 7.2V 2000mAh NiCd battery pack.

I’ll add more large capacitors, but it may come down to testing all 49 MG-995’s and picking the best 18 for HexPi.

I will disassemble the worst servo of the lot, and see if I can figure out WHY it is so bad.
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Coming soon: A video of HexPi’s legs being wiggled by TBMST!

The Better Mousetrap Servo Tester @ Mikronauts.com


The Better Mousetrap Servo Tester https://www.mikronauts.com/robot-zoo/hexpi-hexapod-pi-robot/

HexPi the RoboPi + Raspberry Pi hexapod robot https://www.mikronauts.com/the-better-mousetrap-servo-tester/

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